IOCOSE, Drone Selfies, digital prints on paper, d-bond, 2014.
Dimensions: 80cm x 80cm each.
Drone Selfies consists in a photographic series of drones taking selfies of themselves. Drone Selfies is part of “In Times Of Peace”, a concept project that intends to explore the life of a drone after war and terror.

Installation views “Loops & Vectors” at FMAV Modena. Photos by: Matteo Cattaruzzi
- Loops & Vectors, FMAV Fondazione Modena Arti Visive, Modena, Italy
- Different Eyes, Siegen, Germany
- Iconomania, MAIF Social Club, Paris, France
- Mirror Mirror, Mudac, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Once Is Nothing: A Drone Art Exhibition, Inter Access, Toronto, Canada
- Magic and Power – Heaven & Hell, Museum MARTa, Herford, Germany
- According to Marty McFly, 2015 is the future. Berlin, Germany
- Node 2015, Forum for digital Arts, Frankfurt, Germany
- Hamster – Hipster – Handy. Im Bann des Mobiltelefons, Museum
Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - Media Art Festival, Centrale Montemartini, Roma, Italy
- From Heaven to Hell. Flying Carpets and Drones, Villa Empain-
Boghossian Foundation, Bruxelles, Belgium - Internet Drones, Spazio ULTRA, Udine, Italy
- 030 2.0 Arte da Brescia, Piccolo Miglio, Castello di Brescia, Italy
- Premio Francesco Fabbri, Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligo (TV), Italy
- Menzione della Giuria Bim Piave, Premio Francesco Fabbri 2014
- Andrew Nunes (2014), Now Even Drones Are Taking Selfies, Vice [English]
- Priscilla Frank (2014), Imagine A World Where Drones Are So Bored They’re Taking Selfies, Huffington Post [English]
- Anne Backhaus (2014), Selfies von Drohnen: Terrorjob erledigt, bin in der Bar, Spiegel [German]
- Jordan G. Teicher (2014), What if Drones Stopped Going to War and Started Taking Selfies?, Wired [English]